Sunday, March 11, 2012

Death of Claudius

Hamlet is killing Claudius.  Gertrude and Laertes are already dead and he kills Claudius.  But he is also dying, so he tell Horatio to tell Fortinbras to become King of Denmark.

I just killed Claudius.  Now I'm going to die.  Laertes and my mother were both poisoned and now are dead.  I want young Fortinbras to become king of Denmark

Hamlet Vs. Laertes

Hamlet fights Laertes in a fencing match.  Hamlet doesn't know about what Claudius and Laertes plan is.

I fought Laertes today.  He was a pretty easy opponent, but thats the usual Laertes.  

Hamlet Meets the Grave Diggers

Hamlet meets grave diggers.  He doesn't know that its Ophelia's grave.

I meet this grave digger today.  He was really nice.  I wonder whose grave he was digging.

Hamlet Doesn't Kill Claudius

Hamlet was going to kill Claudius.  But then he found him praying, so if he kills him and his sins are forgiven then he might go to heaven.  Hamlet didn't want that, so he waited until he would sin again.

I could've killed Claudius today.  But I didn't want to because he was praying.  His sins could've been forgiven and then he would be sent to heaven.  I didn't want that to happen.

Ghost of King Hamlet

The Ghost of King Hamlet talks to Hamlet about his murder.  Hamlet finds out that Claudius killed his father.

I just found out that Claudius killed my father.  Now I'm going to avenge my father.